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Monday, September 6, 2021

Downtown White Sulphur Springs, Montana

 White Sulphur Springs has a population of 1,012 people and covers one square mile.  

A sculpture of a Horse in front

I haven't seen roofline details
like these on abuilding before.

facade looks like it's from
an Old West Town.

Wellman Block
 Built in 1911

A Ghost Sign...

The Two Horse Brand

Levi Strauss Overalls
A New Pair Free If They Rip

Since 1922

The mural features
a 1920s Sedan.

& Eatery is on the left side
of this building.

Bonus sighting...  A 1957 Morris Minor 1000

The moment I saw this car, I
knew that it's not American-made.

It's too small, too compact to be made in this country.  American cars in the late 1950s are much larger and have fins.

I walk around the car,
admiring its lines.

The dog in the back seat is
used to all the attention he
gets in his car.  

White Sulphur Springs is like many small towns across America.  Buildings from the late 19th Century and early 20th Century have been repurposed for apartments, stores, and restaurants.

Eric & I are headed back to the JawBone for Appetizers and Drinks.

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