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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Our Grandson Sean Comes to Rotterdam for a Visit

Sean brought some homework with him.  His Preschool Teacher provided a worksheet for Sean's adults to record and record the titles of five books that Sean has shares with them.


He & Grandpa are reading

The tongue twisting book leaves Grandpa's mouth numb.  He adds this book to Sean's homework sheet.

I catch Sean admiring
himself in the bathroom
mirror while he plays
in the soapy water.

Sean gets his own table
for lunch outside our

Sean spends some quiet
time with Great Grandma.

He and Grandpa have a tradition...  They yuck it up in the bathroom mirror.  (Geez, Sean spends a lot of time admiring at himself in the mirror.)

They have lots of
fun together.

Eric takes over the camera..

Sean & I read Peanut Brains &

This is Sean's favorite

I added this title to Sean's worksheet.  His homework is done, for now. 

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