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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Visiting the Vermont National Guard Museum in Colchester, Vermont to See Vermont's Merci Train Car

Eric and I learned about The Merci (Gratitude)Train at the Arizona's State Capitol in Phoenix.  In 1949, France sent 49 railroad cars to each of the forty-eight states and Washington, D.C. to thank Americans for sending items to help rebuild their country, which was the site of battles and bombing in World War II.

We were touched by the story of The Merci Train and decided to find its train cars as we travel.  The Vermont Merci Train Car is housed in the Vermont National Guard Museum and Library at Camp Johnson in Colchester, which is just a few miles from the Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction.

Eric at the Vermont National
Guard Museum & Library

The Museum and Library are staffed by volunteers.

The Vermont Merci Car

Eric looks at exhibits housed
inside this small box car.

John, the Curator of the Museum, told me that the Vermont Merci Train Car is a popular exhibit.  Visitors from as far away as Denmark have visited, just to see the this unique train car.

What else is there to see at the Vermont National Guard Museum?

Artifacts & Artwork from

The Museum's Civil War
Diorama, with cannon.

Eric poses as a

World War II Uniforms

The masked white uniform on the right is from a Vermont 10th Mountain Division Ski Troop member.

 from World War II.

Remembering Prisoners
of War & those who are
Missing in Action.

used in Iraq War
 in 2003.

Remembering Fort
Ethan Allen throughout
the years.....

Base memoribilia

The Vermont National
Guard Library

This crocheted American Flag
was donated to the Museum
by Elizabeth Benjamin Fleury.

 Visitors learn a lot about Vermont's contributions to American military history at this Museum.

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