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Friday, August 12, 2016

FMCA's Business Meeting at The Big E

The FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) has some official business to conduct at the Coliseum.


The meeting opens with Frustrated
Maestros leading us in the Canadian
& American Anthems.

Adcock, welcomes us.
Charlie proudly announces that FMCA membership is at 70,000. He credits the increased membership to FMCA's recruitment and retention programs.  Members are encouraged to invite fellow motorhome owners to join our club.  FMCA has increased communication with members throughout the year to ensure that we know of upcoming rallies, conventions and FMCA programs. These combined efforts are working and Charlie looks forward to increased membership in the upcoming years.

FMCA Treasurer, Percy Bell,
delivers the Treasurer's Report.

FMCA's balance is positive, as is the club's financial outlook.

Newly elected FMCA officers
 are asked to stand to be

All the officers pledge to 
to conduct FMCA business
ethically & abide by its
rules & responsibilities.

FMCA activities are winding down.  As I left the Coliseum, I saw motorhomes driving to the exits. Soon enough, Eric and I will be driving west to Rotterdam.

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