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Friday, August 7, 2015

There's More to See at Lost Valley Lake Resort in Owensville, Missouri

Lost Valley Lake Resort is very large, and hilly.  I found lots to see and do when I walked around the resort last week.  Still, there's more to see.

After last night's heavy rains...

I need my Wellies.

I wonder where this
road near The Villas
leads to.

There's another boat
launch for campers
to use.

This Bunny let me get
within six feet before
hopping for the woods.

I love this spot!

Geese on
morning stroll

This couple has the
lake to themselves.

I found the 
Pooch Park.

The Horses are out &
about this morning.

Campers go out on
staff led rides on
the Bridle Path.

Water from last
 night's heavy
 rains tumbles
 down the

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