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Monday, January 15, 2024

The Desert Lily Quilt Show in Yuma, Arizona

Eric was the 17th man to attend the Desert Lily Quilt Show at the Yuma Civic Center.  The Box Office Staff are keeping count of this rare group at today's event.

Members of the Club show off
their skills on individual
Quilt Blocks.

My favorite block has
a Desert Theme.


This is Eric's first Quilt Show.  I'm interested in his experience.

He closely examines the
Harry Potter Bookshelf

Over 100 Quilts are on display at the Show.  These are some of my favorites.

The three panel quilt
is lovely.

This irregularly shaped
Quilt is intricate.

Eric likes the many themes here.  For him, Quilts are Art.

I was charmed by this Quilt
displaying the tools of the


This Vegetable themed Quilt
displays Yuma's bountiful

The stylized Rose Quilt.


Quilters carefully examine each entry and discuss aspects of each one.  I get photos in between the groups.

is April 2nd to 7th.

I love the colors in
 this Quilt.

City in the round...


Flowers & the Butterflies
who sip their Nectar

The Calico Cat Quilt

Eric enjoyed the Desert Lily Quilt Show.  He was impressed by the creative themes and craftsmanship on display in each Quilt.  
On our way out, he stopped at the Box Office to find out how many men are here.  So far, there are 27 men in attendance.  We wonder what the final count will be. 

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