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Monday, October 24, 2022

Traveling West to Columbus, Texas

Eric and I completed our drive south along The Great River Road from the Headwaters of the Mississippi River in Minnesota to Venice, Louisiana the farthest south anyone can drive near the River.  It's time to turn west and drive to Columbus, Texas.  

We leave Port Allen on 

Retracing our drive west across

The Mississippi River

A close-up of a Barge moving
freight on the River.

Exit 20 takes Eric & me
toward Sulphur.

Welcome to Texas

Drive Friendly - The Texas Way

This Evacuation Route sign
remind me that this region
of Texas is low-lying &
prone to flooding.

West Orange's Water Tower

We spent the night in the Walmart Supercenter parking lot.

Texas State Highway 87 South

I was surprised to see a
Market Basket in Texas.

I got the "short straw" & am
driving through Houston.

Traffic is on the light side at
11:00 am.

Eric takes pictures of Houston's

Welcome to Katy

Begin Contraflow When Flashing

Traffic on these lanes reverses
during evacuations.

Burn Ban In Effect

Eric pulls into the Thousand Trails

He registers while I 
unhitch our car.

Eric & I settled in at Site E 37.

The Voltage is OK here.  Eric and I prefer a Voltage closer to 120 than 113.  The water and sewer are connected.  It's time to take care of the necessities (cleaning and laundry), get some groceries, and enjoy an open schedule with "no particular place to go."

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