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Thursday, March 10, 2022

1957 BMW Isetta 300 Cabriolet in Yuma's Ray Kroc Sports Complex Parking Lot

Timing is everything...  Eric and I left Midnight At The Oasis Car Show, got in our car, and started talking about the different Cars and Trucks we had just seen.  Then we saw it...  A tiny Car.  It may be smaller than the Smart Car.  

Suprised & excited, I started taking pictures
of this unusual Car.

What kind of Car is this?
There is no passenger door.
Look, it has a tow hitch!

The Front Axle is longer than the Rear Axle.
At first, I thought there was one Rear Wheel.

I hope this unique car is on its way to a Show Field.  It must be seen by others.

My quick search revealed that this Car was manufactured by BMW from 1955 to 1962.  It's hard to place the year from the photos I have.  I believe it is a 1957 BMW Isetta 300 Cabriolet,  The front of the Car is its door.  It seats two people and has a one-cylinder engine.

This adorable little Car must have been used in movies and on TV.   I found a link on with a list.  BMW Isetta Cars appear in English language films: The Naked Truth, 1957; Mickey One 1965; Problem Child 2, 1991; Bored Silly, 2000; Bounty Killer, 2013; and Zootopia, 2016.  It also appears in several foreign movies.  There are scenes on The Saint and Family Matters with this itty bitty Car.

Eric and I are glad that we left the Ray Kroc Baseball Complex when we did and got pictures of the 1957 Isetta 300 Cabriolet.  It is the most unusual Car we saw in Yuma.

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