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Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Silver Spur Rodeo in Yuma, Arizona

Eric & I went to the Silver Spur Rodeo at the Yuma County Fairgrounds.

This is our first Rodeo and Eric and I need a quick tutorial to understand the different events we are about to see.  Rodeo 101 has all the information we need, and it's a quick read.

People are signing up for the Dodge Ram Truck Give-Away.

The Band is setting up to play Country Music.

The Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey Trailer

Vendors are here to sell, just about everything.

Food Vendors are ready to feed the hungry crowd.

The Announcer is warming up the crowd.

This Semi Tractor makes a loop on the field as Johnny Cash's Ragged Old Flag played.

A lone rider rides the perimeter of the Rodeo Ring with the American Flag.

The crowd sang the National Anthem & the Rodeo begins...

Horses parade around the Rodeo Ring with flags.

Bronc Riding!

Eight seconds must feel like an eternity on a bucking Horse.

We cheer on each rider.  The roar of the crowd is exillerating!

Not every roper completes the second part of the event - tying the Calf's hooves.

Rodeo Clown on the field...

Rodeo Clowns entertain the crowd & assist Riders after they dismount or fall.  

Children ages 1 to 6 compete in Mutton Busting.

The older contestants have an easier time hanging on to the mount.

The winner receives his prize.

Team Roping: The rider on the right lassos the calf's neck & the rider on the left lassos a back leg.

Cowgirls compete in Barrel Racing.

The differnce between 1st & 2nd place was. 05 seconds!

Young ATV Riders have their own Barrel Racing competition.

This Barrel Racer wowed the crowd with wheelies, & he had the slowest time.

It's time for Bull Riding!

Bull & Rider leaving the chute...

It's hard for any Rider to stay on a bucking Bull for 8 seconds.

Eric's video

The Rodeo ends with a parade of Riders.

Wow!  This was amazing!  As Eric and I left the Fairgrounds for our car, I told a Staff Member as we left that our first Rodeo was our best Rodeo.

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