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Monday, September 21, 2020

The Church @ The Shrine of the Most Holy Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama

A fellow visitor at The Ave Maria Grotto recommended that Eric and I visit... 

... The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in nearby Hanceville.

It was established by Mother Angelica in 1999.

Castle San Miguel is the Conference Center.

Eric & me with the
empty plaza & 
the  Church.

This configuration reminds me of Catholic Churches in Nicaragua, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The Statue of El Divino Novio
 (the Divine Infant), in front of
the Church.

Rules for Visitors:

No Shorts, No Sleeveless Tops,
No Tops with Cap Sleeves,
No Skirts Above the Knee,
No Photography Allowed

The Reception Desk has appropriate clothing for visitors.  

Eric and I enter the Church to take in the scene...  Photos are from the internet.  

The Church & Altar

The small altar on the left is
the shrine devoted to Mary.

The small altar on the right
is the shrine devoted to
 Baby Jesus.

I appreciate the size and scope of the Church, plaza, and Convention Center.  The Shrine of the Most Holy Sacrament was carefully planned and is set up to welcome thousands.  

Eric and I visited  Mother Cabrini Shrine in Peru, New York with my cousins Barb and Terry in 2016. The layout and design of this small, intimate shrine are dictated by its surroundings in the Adirondack Mountains.  

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