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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Driving West to Little Rock, Arkansas

Westward ho!

RVs traveling east.

Hamilton's Water Tower

Welcome to Mississippi

Follow the concrete road...

This large sign needs new

There are no tire tracks leading to the sign.  I think it gotmangled in a wind storm.

Rent - A - Crane

Eric & I continue our drive
on US Route 78 West.

"Tinnessee" Welcomes you

We start our drive through
another Construction Zone.

Interstate 240 West takes
us south of Memphis.

Welcome to Arkansas

Interstate 40 to Little Rock...
Campground & Day Use Park.

Eric & I are staying next to

Our campsite has 30 amp electric service with good voltage and water.  There is no sewer hook up.  Eric and I will dump our grey and black tanks when we leave.

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