My daughter, Diane, son-in-law, Damon, and Sean met Eric and me at Benson Park.
The adults chat while
Sean enjoys the park's

Sean climbs a "Spider Web"
while Mommy looks on...
Flight of the Bumblebee

Time on the Balance Beam
What goes up, must
come down.
I was happy to see the Benson
Park Little Free Library in
this popular recreation area.
Children's books are in
the garage, on the right.
NH Last Cast Fishing Club
is Learning about fishing &

Two pairs of Canada Geese &
their Goslings swim in
quiet waters.

Five Goslings & their parents
look for food in the grass near
the pond.
Thank you, Mommy and Daddy, for sharing Sean's favorite park with Grandpa and Grandma L.
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