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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dinner at Tara Kitchen in Downtown Schenectady, New York

Tara Kitchen has been
serving Moroccan
meals since 2012.

Exploring locally means walking six blocks from Capoccia's Wine Lounge, past City Hall to eat Moroccan cuisine.  I know the food will be delicious because I looked up recipes online
and I eat all the ingredients listed, but not in the combinations presented.

Eric & I watch the
chef preparing

Aneesa and Muntasim's success at this location led them to open a second restaurant in Troy. I hope the new restaurant is added to the Troy Central Historic District Food Tour.

The indoor dining
area is welcoming.

Aneesa created a line of Moroccan sauces that are available locally at Niskayuna Co-Op, Honest Weight Food Co-op and several Price Chopper Supermarkets.

Eric & I choose a table
outside, under the

Eric shows off his dinner...
Chicken Cooked with Spicy
Date Sauce, Potatoes, 
Raisins & a side of Rice.

He chose the mix of

My dinner is Cauliflower

My expectations were exceeded.  I know what the ingredients are.  I know what they taste like. The combination and spicing is magic!  Eric's dinner is delicious.  Thank you, Aneesa and Muntasim, for bringing Moroccan cuisine to Schenectady and for sharing your cooking traditions in Troy.  

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