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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A Visit to Kinderhook Creek Farm in Stephentown, New York

Kinderhook Creek 

.... has an honor pay
farm stand.

Sweet Corn

Sally & Eric look over
the fresh produce.

I ask Eric to get a
Summer Squash.

John is admiring
the Tomatoes.

A bin of Watermelons
wait for shoppers.

Broccoli, Cauliflower &
Green Beans stay chilled
in a cooler.

Cabbage, Kale and Herbs are chilled in other coolers.

 Across the street are the barns & work buildings.
George & his family have been farming 
here since 1959.

George & grandson, Matt,
take Escapee Members
on a tour.

George tells us about the
seven day a week work
work schedule on the
13,000 acre farm.

I admire the farm tractors.

The Eckhardts use improved technologies to farm efficiently.

Unloading farm wagons has
been automated.

A conveyor belt moves the
corn to the sorting shed.

All the corn grown at Kinderhook
Creek Farm is sorted by hand.

The Eckhardts sell corn to local farm stands, local grocery stores and send trucks full of corn to the whole sale food distributors in Boston and in New York City.

Corn is packed in large
brown paper bags for
the closest customers.

These collapsible plastic
crates are filled & sent
to grocery stores.

They are cleaned before
returning to the farm.

Corn packed in cardboard
boxes are shipped to 
New York City & Boston.

Laurelyn snuggles with a
 farm kitten while Doug
learns large scale corn

Corn seeds are carefully spaced to ensure maximum number of corn stalks reach maturity.  Hot days and cool nights are the perfect conditions for Sweet Corn.

This field is being

The corn is as high as
Eric's eye.

Here comes the Big Jack
PixAll harvester.

This harvester is HUGE.

Corn Stalks are cut &
moved to the "corn

The stalks are blown out a shoot to the field and the ears of corn are moved up a conveyor to the trailer.

The harvest is moved to the Corn Shed for sorting and packing....

Eric, George & me in his corn field.

Please thank farmers for the bounty of foods we eat each day.

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