A little bit of back story.... Dave and Kathy introduced us to Mad Elf Beer, and craft beers, in December, 2012. Eric fell hard for this malty beer. Kathy purchased a magnum to share with us in December, 2014. Since then, this sweet holiday beer has become one of my favorites.

Fortunately, Beer Zoo
is within walking
distance of our
overnight stop
in Harrisburg.
Eric goes straight to
the Mad Elf display
with the Walmart
shopping cart we
brought with us.
Ooooh.... He loves
it so much... I
think he'll marry it!
Can a man be married to a woman and a beer at the same time, or is a divorce in my future?
After a short discussion,
we settle on five cases
of Mad Elf Beer.
I love my mad elf but not as much as my craaaazeeeee wife. MMMWAAHHHH! BEHBEH
Never heard of that beer. Eric, you look more and more like your father. If you're going to be around home,how about a visit? It would be good to see you.
I'll call you when Eric & I return next spring. : - )
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