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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Storage of Spare Engine Belts

Eric purchased two spare belts for our motorhome engine when we were at Camp Freightliner.  Having a serpentine belt and a v belt with us will come in handy when we need to have one of them replaced.  We won't have to wait for a parts order to be delivered for service to begin.

Belts are best used shortly after purchase. What do you do if you want to keep your spare belts in good shape for future use?  Mike Cody, our Camp Freightliner Trainer recommended sealing the belts with a  food vacuum system.  We picked up the FoodSaver System at Walmart.

Eric started with the section of
storage material he cut to fit the
belt we will store.

It's like a tube, a bag with the
bottom cut out.
This allows you to make
custom sized bags.

After making a seal for the bottom
of the "bag," it's time to put the belt
in and hit the Vacuum Seal button.

After the Vacuum Seal button
goes dark,  the serpentine belt
has been vacuum sealed.

Eric repeated the 
process for the v belt.

The vacuum sealed belts must be
stored in a dark place that doesn't
get too hot or too cold.

Into dark plastic bags they go for 
storage in our bedroom closet.

The  Foodsaver with extra
wrap is stored in a compartment 
above the the windshield.

We have spare belts for our motorhome engine and should one of them break, we can get the service we need with as little wait time as possible.

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