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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Walkabout With Wheels Blog Hits a NEW Milestone: 1.5 Million Plus Views!

Today I am sending a BIG Thank You to Walkabout with Wheels Blog Readers.  My blog, which has no advertisements, has been viewed 1,500,446 times in 12 years.

Eric and I prepared to sell our home, move into a motorhome, and travel when we retired.  I started this blog on September 4, 2012, to share our travels with family and friends.  

An audience of more than a few dozen people was my intended audience.  While browsing the Blogger Statistics Page, I was amazed to see that there were people outside the United States taking the time to read my travel blog.

Readers from all over the world - Afghanistan, Fiji, Latvia, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, and many, many other countries have taken the time to read a post or two.  

I've learned about World Geography while checking my Blogger Statistics.  Reading articles from The CIA Factbook brings me up to date on countries I remember from High School and learn facts about "new to me" countries, including Curacao.  

In the 12-plus years that Eric and I have been Full Time RVers we have had many adventures across all 50 States.  I was so happy to complete my goal of visiting all 50 State Capitols when we visited Hawaii's unique Capitol in 2023.

Trips to Canada included driving The Alaska Highway through British Columbia and The Yukon to the road's western end at Delta Junction, Alaska.

Because I'm interested in everything there are blog posts on Traveling Roads Across the US and Canada, Museums, Car Shows, Factory Tours, Grocery Stores, Roadside Attractions, Breweries, Wineries, and many downtowns in Small Towns and big Cities.

Thank you again for finding Walkabout With Wheels Blog and reading a few posts.  It's a pleasure to share my VERY LONG road trip with you.  

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