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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Older Homes in Belvidere, Illinois

I like the front porch on this home.

This is the rare, maintenance

From 1948 to 1950 Lustron built thousands of steel walled homes.

The window ornamentation
reminds me of a Victorian

This house has features from

There were many Mail Order
House Plans to choose from.

I love the ornamentation on
the side of the second floor
porch on this home.

Gingerbread is a Victorian 
Cottage ornamentation.

Stately steps beckon visitors
to this home.

A chance encounter with 
a Squirrel

Lastly, Belvidere's finest home...

                                 The Tudor Style Funderberg House was built in 1906.                                       Today it is a Museum.

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