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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Driving West to Yuma, Arizona

Eric & I start our drive on

Feeling Sick?
Please Stay Home
Prevent Covid-19

Arizona's Covid Restrictions are the response to increasing cases in the late spring and summer.

A shot o workers on a
new bridge support.


The Tucson skyline

We admire the artwork
at an overpass.

This is our turn...

to San Diego.

The Saguaro Cactus is the
symbol of the Southwest.

I take a turn at the wheel 
during our 5 hour drive.

This Solar Farm has Concave
Solar Panels to catch the sun's
 rays as it moves across the sky.

Southwestern Arizona
is a major producer of
winter vegetables.

We are 29 miles east
of Yuma.

La Mesa RV in Yuma.

Here's our Exit...

Eric & I return to Yuma Lakes
for one week.

We have 30 amp electric service,
with good voltage, water &
sewer hookups.

Eric and I returned to Yuma to enjoy the warm, dry weather.

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