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Friday, October 7, 2016

Watching the Church on Broadway in Schenectady Disappear.....

The former United Methodist Church on the corner of Broadway and Bradt Street in Schenectady has been for sale for at least one year.

Suddenly, about three weeks ago,
the stained glass windows
were removed

I found an August 10, 2015 Daily Gazette article stating that a new Stewart's Shop will be built on this property.

Passersby on Bradt Street can
look through the church.

The adjoining church hall
has been opened up.

The rear of the church
is down.

The debris reminds me of the French town of Ramelle in one of the scenes in the movie Saving Private Ryan.  The town had been bombed by the Germans during World War II, producing heaps of bricks and rubble everywhere.

Fire hoses ring the perimeter
of the demolition area.

Water streams onto buildings
being dismantled to deter
sparks & small fires that
may occur.

The interior of the church
is now exposed.

A side angle of the
remaining sections
of the building.

Piles & piles of rubble
surround the disappearing

The church is just a pile
of rubble, with a staircase.

It looks like bricks are being
separated from other types
of rubble.

Millions of bricks are being
moved into the former
basement of the church.

A large section of the lot has
been cleared off...

Obviously, debris is being
carted away. 

The depression is has been filled
in & covered with dirt.
The lot will be prepared for the new Stewart's.

Life is change.

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