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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Exploring Winthrop, New York's "Park"

Terry drives us to 

According to Wikipedia, the Hamlet of Winthrop has a population of 510.

Eric & I stand beneath
a pedestal clock.

One of several roofed
picnic tables

A restored stained glass
window from a church
is back lit by the sun.

Eric & me with Uncle Sam

This is an amazing park, but it's not a park.  It's the side lawn of a Winthrop resident.  Terry found eclectic collection of yard art several years ago and enjoys sharing it with others.

The gentleman who lives here
restores all types of artifacts 
& displays some of them 
near his home.

The historical marker in front of the house states that this is the site of America's oldest clock tower. It was built by Stephen Hasham and ran for 189 years.

The Hasham Clock has been
restored & keeps time is
flanked by two carved
statues on the garage.

Restored stained glass windows
grace the side of his garage.

A stained glass Star
of David dominates
part of the lawn.

Eric & the metal globe.

It reminds me of the 1964

Time is a major theme in this private park.

A pedestal clock &
a Stallion

Honoring our military.

A weeping angel surrounded
by flowers.

Eric & I stand beneath a
clock with a Polar Bear.

It's all about time.... in Winthrop, New York.

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