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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Stop at the Ocotillo Lodge in Bouse, Arizona

A very large "B" on the side
of the mountain hovers
above Bouse.

This is unexpected...

A power strip on the
roof of the lounge.

It's a good thing that rain is a rarity in Bouse.

The bar

The Ocotillo Lodge 
sells liquor to go.

A pair of pink boxers with
Joe Arpaio's autograph.

Sheriff Arpaio houses Maricopa County prisoners in tents.  They are forced to wear pink underwear during incarceration.  The Sheriff is proud of his "America's Toughest Sheriff" reputation.

Eric points to the pennies
embedded in the bar.

We enjoy glasses of

Welcome Back Winter

Bud Light Promotional

An old Slot Machine

Visitors can spend an hour,
or more, inspecting the beer
signs & memorabilia.

The Pool Table sits beneath
a Budweiser light.

Refreshed, Eric and I return to the Jeep.  After about ten miles, I tell Eric that we are not headed back to our campsite.  He says, "You're right.  I have a surprise for you."  

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