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Monday, March 16, 2015

Walking Around Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Eric's internet exploration of Myrtle Beach turned up Barefoot Landing.  He looked at it on Google Earth and decided that this retail complex deserves a visit.

TIKI JIM'S: Gifts 
that Tickle You!

Batman stands in front of

A Silver Shack

I like the kitschy names of the shops at Barefoot Landing.

Eric & I take a bridge
across a lagoon to the
House of Blues.

A male Mallard has the
lagoon to himself.

House of Blues has a
restaurant, store &
hosts bands.

Roosting Herons....

This place feels like a
nature preserve.

Eric is a Purpleologist....

He LOVES purple.

Seagulls perch on the
bridge railing, waiting
for a hand out.

We find feed for sale.

Eric puts out some on the
 railing for a Seagull.

Grass Carp & Japanese
Koi swim in circles,
waiting for someone
to drop some food
for them.


The carousel sits idle
on this blustery day.

Eric found Carolina Vineyards

Crabby Jack's
General Store

Barefoot Landing is an interesting place to walk around.  I imagine that on a warm, sunny day this place is very busy.

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