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Thursday, April 3, 2014

We'll Get the Hydraulic Leak Fixed at Pacific Power Products in Medford, Oregon

We arrive at 
in Medford.

Eric threaded his way
though big trucks to
the Service Department.

He described the position of the hydraulic leak to Robert and of our referral from Central Point RV Service Center.  Robert asked Andrew to take a look.  

Eric & Andrew look at the
leak together.

A look at the diesel
engine is revealing.

The air conditioner condenser
is bad & the fan belt needs
to be replaced.

We will wait at one of the
roofed bays for service.

Eric uses an adapter to plug
our 50 amp electric cord
into a 15 amp outlet.

Following a 22 point inspection,
Andrew will bring the results to
Robert, who will write up
the estimate.

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