Sunday, October 22, 2023

Eric & I Drive West to Benson, Arizona

Leaving Midland on

Oil Derricks are everywhere.

Eric & I travel in the slow lane.

We have no need for speed...

of capturing & selling it is common 
practice at West Texas Oil Refineries.

Our drive continues west

A train traveling east.

Entering Mountain

Picnic tables covered by
Tepees at a Rest Stop.

The sliver of blue is the

A complicated interchange
just east of El Paso

There are many miles of
roadwork along I 10 West.

New Mexico true
Welcomes You

We approach the
Welcome to New Mexico
Land of Enchantment span.

The blue sign on the right is
 another New Mexico true sign.

Eric & I spent the night at
parking lot before 
continuing West.

Deming is that way.

Eric & I are waved through
an Inspection Station.

Dust Storms
May Exist
Next 15 Miles

Continental Divide
Elevation 4,585 Feet

Welcome to Arizona

The Dragoon Mountains 
are beautiful.

Exit 306 takes us to Arizona

Entering Benson
Elevation 3,580
Founded 1880

Eric & I return to

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