Saturday, June 7, 2014

Everyday is Christmas at The Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska


Santa Claus greets visitors
to the Santa Claus House.

The Reindeer were off

The Santa Claus House,
where everyday is Christmas.

Con, Nellie Miller and their children moved to an unincorporated area fourteen miles east of Fairbanks in 1949.   Each year, Con put on the famed red and white suit to portray Santa Claus for local children.  In 1952, Con and Nellie opened a trading post in the newly renamed North Pole.  A local youngster recognized Con and said, "Hello Santa.  Are you building a new house?"  Not one to overlook the obvious, Con and Nellie renamed the trading post to the Santa Claus House and got to work bringing joy to children and adults around the world.

Santa allows grandpas who have
been good to sit in his chair.

The Christmas House has rooms and rooms of Christmas items for sale.  

The elves at the Santa Claus House sort the mail here.  Many people ask Santa to send letters to good little girls, boys and special adults.  For those of your who want to save a stamp, you can go to the website at and ask Santa to send a letter to your favorite boy, girl or adult.  Letters from Santa are mailed from the North Pole, Alaska Post Office during the first week of December.  The cost is $9.95 for this awesome service.  

Who should get a special letter from Santa Claus?   Let me think....

After we left the store, Eric called his Mom.  She got a kick out of getting a call from the North Pole.  Next stop.... the Walmart Supercenter in Fairbanks.  There's a Lowe's next door... I see free WiFi in my future.

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