Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Fairbanks Ice Museum in Fairbanks, Alaska

Our first stop is the Fairbanks
Ice Museum, housed in the
former Lacey Street Theater.

After paying admission, we are
ushered into a darkened theater
to watch a film about ice sculpting.

The theater is cold.  Eric puts his arm around me to keep me warm.  The lights come up and we are surrounded by rooms of ice sculptures.

We wish we had our
jackets with her.

A dog sledder with his team
beneath the Northern Lights.

Eric tries out the ice

We pretend to be

Eric serves drinks at
the Ice Bar.

Eric sleds down an
Ice Hill.

After touring the ice sculptures,
we are treated to an ice
sculpting demonstration.

In just a few minutes, the block of ice is transformed.

A snail is crafted right in
front of our eyes.

The Gift Shop....

Doesn't have anything
made of ice.

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