Friday, June 6, 2014

Visiting THE North Pole in North Pole, Alaska

To encourage business in Alaska, Congress enacted law allowing individuals to obtain 160 acres outside established towns for trading and manufacturing.   This unincorporated are became known as Davis.  In 1949 the name was changed to North Pole.

We are at the North Pole.

I see candy cane light poles

The Library is that way.

In front of a small park
we find THE North Pole.

This pole was one of two that
was flown to the geographic

It's twin was pushed out the
back of the aircraft.

This pole was rediscovered in a junk yard in 1972.  It was returned to North Pole, Alaska and displayed when this park was dedicated on July 4, 1976.

Everything in North Pole is
Christmas themed...

Santa's Senior Center

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