Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Riverwalk in Astoria, Oregon

A trolley runs along
Astoria's Riverwalk.

It runs on weekends this
time of year.

An old cannery & the
Astoria-Megler Bridge.

This is just one section of the Astoria Riverwalk...  It's 6.4 miles long. 

Tufted ducks & a
Brown Duck bob
in the water.

Apartments just across the
railroad tracks from
the Riverwalk.

A ship waiting to
"cross the bar."

My favorite photo of the
Astoria-Megler Bridge.

We walk past the
Columbia Maritime Museum.

A Coast Guard ship
docked near the Columbia
Maritime Museum.

We're looking for a brewery so Eric can sample local beers.  Fort George Brewery is on 15th Street.  Let's walk over and see what's going on there.

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