Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fort George Brewery and Public House in Astoria, Oregon

Eric & I walk up 15th
Street to Fort George
Brewery & Public House.

This staircase is a section
of the original staircase
from the Astoria Column.

I can sit & watch beer making
from by bar stool.

There are LOTS of beers
to choose from here.

This is the largest beer
flight ever - 12 selections.

I had a glass of the house Chardonnay, and I had a sip or two of beer.

Eric bought a quart of Divinity
Beer to bring home.

These "slap bracelets" are 
designed to wrap around 
beer bottles or cans.

A local told us of a dead whale that washed up on the beach in Seaside, 15 miles south of here.  That's where I want to go next.

Eric cradles the Divinity
Beer as he walks.

He looks at it longingly.

And goes for it...
a lingering kiss.

Enough of that!  Let's go find the dead whale in Seaside.

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