Monday, February 24, 2014

Driving the Cottonwood-Marble Canyon Trail in Death Valley National Park

My interest in the small
aircraft runway led
to our adventure.

A raven sits atop the
Trail sign;  Is this an omen?

And, we're off...

Driving on sand...
So far, so good.

Our tires are not optimal for driving on sand.  Let's see what we can do with
what we have...

Check out that cloud of dust!

We went from sandy to
rocky terrain.

Eric enters a wash.

There's felled wood here.

We wonder about the
critter that lives in
this hole.

This cleft between hills is
where rocks roll down
during rain storms.

We drive past more
felled wood.

I wonder how far
it traveled.

Mountains rise on both sides
of the Jeep.

Let's see where the
trail leads....

It dead ends at the
Marble Canyon.

Hikers continue on
from here.

After we retrace our drive along Cottonwood- Marble Canyon Trail, we head for home base 
at the abandoned trailer park.

We share the road with

Visitors on bikes ride on a narrow road shoulder.  I hope that the Park Service decides to widen the road shoulder to provide a safer ride for people who bike in the park. Cars, trucks, camping trailers and motorhomes drive past bicyclists at speeds of 55 miles per hour in some areas.

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