Monday, February 24, 2014

Our Drive to Titus Canyon in Death Valley National Park

The Titus Canyon Trail starts in Nevada.

Eric drove to Lathrop Wells
to fill up the Jeep.

Gas costs two dollars less here
than at Furnace Creek.

Right next to FasTrip
Gas Station is the

A little farther on is
the Brothel.

We're gassed up and are ready to start the 26 mile trail to Titus Canyon.  Most of it is one way, traveling west, toward the canyon.

The trail starts off as a
well groomed dirt road.

One man is running the trail.

I wonder if he's training for
a marathon.

The mountains change from
grey to red.

We enter Red Pass.

This area has iron
in the soil.

People on motorcycles are
driving the trail.

This is the tightest turn
on the trail.

We drive past the remains

Gold was discovered in 1904. 

After a road was built through
the area, interest increased.

Charles Julian sold stock in the mine without obtaining the permit to sell stock.  

Three hundred hopeful people came
 to Leadfield in search of gold.

The town grew to 93 blocks from 1926 through 1927.   Then, the gold ran out and Charles Julian skipped town.

These few buildings are
 all that remains.

Finally, we reach Titus Canyon.

We enter the canyon.

And wend our way along
its length.


Water scoured out the base of
the canyon, leaving more
than enough room for
cars to park.

The canyon opens up
as we drive toward

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