Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dantes View of Death Valley at Sunset

Eric and I drove to Dantes View well before sunset.  We wanted to watch every change in the sky.

Trailers & motorhomes over
25 feet are not allowed at
the top of the mountain.

The last section of the road
to Dantes View is steep
with lots of turns.

We are going to have
great views at 5,475 feet.

Eric parks at the
 mountain's edge.

We can see everything
from here.

The Panamint Mountains

Death Valley stretches out
below us.

People walking on Badwater
Basin look like ants.

The black ribbon on the left
is Badwater Road.

We are on the mountain that looms over Badwater Basin.

Eric stands on a rocky outcrop
to watch the sky change color.

His view of the valley.

Red sky at night.... Sailor's delight.

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