Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shopping at the Vendors off West Main Street in Quartzsite, Arizona

Eric and I have been shopping at Quartzsite's larges vendor area near the intersection of Kuehn Street and Route 95.  Today we shopped at the vendors off West Main Street.

There were places
to eat....

Santa Maria Style

Sophie's Sidewalk Cafe

Get your flags here!

This building has gifts for men
& women, tools, paint 
supplies, housewares....

These paddle tires are used on
OHRs (Off Highway Vehicle)
in sand and mud.

Good Ground Trading

The wood leaning up against
the building is from the inside
of dead saguaro cacti.

This entire section is
used items. 

One vendor brought rifles.

This store has hats, RV
accessories, tools, ammunition,
& a whole lot more.

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