Monday, January 20, 2014

Desert Bar Near Parker, Arizona or Is this Thunderdome?

Nellie E. Saloon is known far and wide as The Desert Bar.  It's located in the Buckskin Mountains at an old Nelle E. mining camp.  The Desert Bar opened in 1983 and is open only on weekends, except for summers. Buildings have been added as the business has grown.

Located in a natural bowl,
Eric imagines Mad Max
Beyond Thunderdome
when we arrive.

The rusted out hulk of
a car overlooking the
parking lot adds to
this feeling.

Cross the bridge to enter The Desert Bar.

Buildings "climb" up
the hillside.

The stacks are used
for cooling.

Eric imagines the bowl ringed with people chanting as two men enter Thunderdome... and one man leaves.....

An old tanker truck sits
above a seating area
& the kitchen.

The church towers above
one of the seating areas.

plays country music.

Eric & I have cheese

& share the fries with Dave,
who has a veggie wrap

Kathy dives into the nachos.

We see the rusted out
hulk of a truck as
we leave....

Come out to The Desert Bar, and see for yourself.....  it's the perfect location for any
dystopian film set in the future.

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