Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Finally, We See a Roadrunner

While visiting with Sue from the RV Forum group, we found out that people drive Tyson Wash and park in the wash, near the big tent.

Eric drives Tyson Wash
looking for an access point
into the wash & to check
out parking near the tent.

As we come to a stop, we see
a roadrunner off to the left.

Eric whistles & the plum on
it's head goes up.

Eric changes the pitch of his
whistle & the plum goes down...
 the tail goes up.

One last whistle & the
bird's plum & tail go up.

We've seen two roadrunners, very briefly before this siting.  This bird didn't mind the crunch of the Jeep's tires.  I'm so happy that this bird likes to pose.

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