Sunday, June 8, 2014

Touring the University of Alaska Fairbanks Museum of the North

Eric drove to the University

We start our day at the
University's Museum
of the North.

This Grizzly Bear is at
least eight feet tall.

Blue Babe, a Steppe Bison, was
frozen during the Ice Age & found
by miners near Fairbanks in 1979.

Native Alaskan Clothing,
Snow Shoes, Basketry

The Lynx is a common
predator in Alaska.

Early on, motorcyclists were
taking up the challenge
of driving in Alaska.

The jaw of a Baleen Whale
taken at Barrow in 1965

A hide covered kayak

Hunting gear, including a
parka made from gut.

This unique table has Bear fur,
legs & wood.

It was made in Fairbanks in 1905.

A model of Sikuliaq, an
Ice Capable research vessel.

A bowl made out of fish skins.

Alaskan Gothic, 1985

This mask is titled De Maa?
(I Wonder Who?)

An ornate Alaskan out house

A ceremonial robe

Eric & a Polar Bear

Eric and I enjoyed the mix of natural history, Alaskan native culture and Alaskan art.

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