Monday, June 23, 2014

Stan Stephens Cruises in Valdez, Alaska

because it's in the Alaska

The buy one get one free coupon we have is for the 6.5 hour Columbia Glacier Cruise for $125.00.  The Meares Glacier Tour is going out on Thursday.  This 9 hour cruise costs $160.00 per ticket.  We will pay the difference, get to see more of the coastline and hopefully more wildlife while we are on the boat.

Including booking the cruise from Valdez, we have saved over $600.00 with this $99.00 investment.

Stan Stephens Cruises is
across the street from.
Bear Paw RV Park.

TheTicket  Office
has souvenirs.

Brochures for local

Eric with our tickets

Let's board the boat and get started....

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