Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stan Stephens Cruise to Meares Glacier: The Boat

Boarding at Stan Stephens
Cruises starts at 9:30 am.

The covered gangway

After our tickets are collected,
we board the boat.

We are going to the Meares
Glacier aboard the Valdez Spirit,
 a catamaran.

The cruise to the Meares Glacier
& back nine hours.

The life ring at the bow
of the boat.

Eric & I are the shadow on
the far right with our
heads together.

The interior of the Valdez Spirit
on the upper & lower decks has
comfortable seating & tables
 for 140 passengers.

Crew showed passengers where the life jackets are stored, demonstrated putting on a life jacket and told us where the life boats are located.

Maximum capacity on this boat is 140.  Today's cruise has 56 passengers.  There's plenty of room to stretch out.

We asked the crew about the busiest time for cruises.  During most of July and all of August the cruises are fully booked.  

The Galley

Coffee, tea, water and lemonade are complimentary.  Hot cocoa, sodas, snacks and candies can be purchased.

The Valdez Spirit has a collection
of books for tourists to look at
while on the cruise.

We watch the scenery change
from our seats inside.

Lunch is Chicken Alfredo Over
Rice with Mixed Vegetables
& a Baguette with Lemonade.

Dessert is Oreo Cookies.

A crew member stopped &
took our picture for us. 

Eric looks for wildlife 
on shore.

The late afternoon snack is
Vegetable Minestrone or
Clam Chowder.

We chose the Clam Chowder.

We are headed back to port.

Our nine hour cruise is
coming to an end.

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