Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stan Stephens Cruise to Meares Glacier: The Wildlife

Shortly after leaving Valdez
Harbor, we saw a

A few minutes later, the
Valdez Spirit stopped so
we could watch an
immature Bald Eagle.

We came across a dozen

This is the best pic.

This Blue Heron posed
for us.

Dall's Porpoises race with
the boat.

We spot the fins of
two Orcas.

The Humpback Whale stole the show today.

It starts with the blow.

The Humpback Whale

A collective Ooooh... can be
heard across the deck of 
the boat.

The whale turns on its side...

Gravity takes over & the
Humpback Whale returns
to the water.

Stellar Sea Lions sun themselves
on the rocky southern shore

All the passengers on board are "over the moon."   We are delighted with the wildlife we've seen today.  The Humpback Whale's breaching was breathtaking.  Everyone sits and spends time talking about the birds and mammals we've seen on our cruise to Meares Glacier.  

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