Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Observing Meares Glacier from One Quarter Mile Away on the Stan Stephens Cruise

We sail through a field of
ice chunks as we approach
Meares Glacier.

The Captain stopped the
Valdez Spirit one quarter
mile from the glacier.

The dark section on the right
of the glacier shows that this
glacier is advancing.

We hear what sounds like rifle shots...  Then rumbles...

The glacier calves.

We watch ice slide off its face
into Prince William Sound.

Calving occurs on different
sections of the glacier over
the next 45 minutes.

After we leave the glacier, a
a crew member nets a
piece of ice.

After all the passengers see
the ice...

It's broken into smaller pieces and put in a bowl in the Galley.

I pick up a piece & see the
air trapped inside the ice.

There was plenty of ice in the bowl.  Eric and I dipped in, pulled out small pieces and cooled our lemonade with glacial ice.

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