Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Our Drive North to Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory, Canada

We head north from Haines
& cross back into British
Columbia, Canada.

Fairbanks is 981 kilometers,
  or 609.5 miles away.

I marvel at the rugged,
snow topped mountains.

We cross back into the

The Hostel is open for
the summer season.

Visitors stay in tepees.

We're back in Haines Junction.

Let's get lunch at the Village
Bakery & Deli.

After lunch, we turn onto the
toward Fairbanks.

beautiful blue.

A glacier moved through this area 300 - 400 years ago.  When it retreated, the flow of water out of Kluane Lake was changed from the Yukon River to the Bering Sea.

A memorial for Douglas
Richard Twiss II was 
erected after his death
in 2005.

We got permission to spend
the night in the Kluane Museum
of Natural History parking lot.

According to Roadside Wonders,
Burwash Landing home to the
 world's largest gold pan.

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