Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Islands & Ocean Visitor Center in Homer, Alaska

Islands & Oceans
Visitors Center

This Visitor Center was funded by
the City of Homer, Alaska &
 federal funding procured by
 deceased Senator Ted Stevens.

Visitors are invited to join
the voyage of discovery.

Displays show the make up of
the land in the reserve.

People at the Kenai Peninsula
in skin covered kayaks.

Russians arrive in the 18th
century in search of furs.

left scars on the land & lots
of abandoned military equipment.

Today people explore the
the Kenai Peninsula in kayaks
made from man made materials.

Eric and I walk Beluga Slough Trail adjacent to the Visitor Center.

We walk out onto the
salt marsh on a metal
grated trail.

 Eric scans for birds as he walks the trail.

One of the neighbors shows
an eclectic flair in decorating
around the property.

This RV has taken on a
very rustic look.
Eric & I enjoy the rest of our walk..

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