Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Driving South to Anchorage, Alaska

We drive south.

Past marshy stretches

Hoping to see Denali (Mount
McKinley), we turn into Denali
State Park Denali View
North Turnoff.
The viewing area.

Denali's peak is obscured
by  clouds.

This section of Alaska
Route 3 is a
Scenic Byway.

I recommend we stop at the
Veterans Memorial.

Forty miles to Wasilla
Eighty-three miles to 

The Wasilla Welcomes
You sign

Eric makes sure I get a
picture of Wasilla City Hall.

We watch carefully
for Moose.

No luck today.

Eric used OvernightRVParking.com
to find free camping at
Fred Meyer in Eagle River.

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