Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Denali State Park Alaska Veteran's Memorial


We pulled into the Denali State
Park  Alaska Veteran's Memorial.

The soldier looks out...

... at the distant mountain

The monument honors those who served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard
and Air Force.

This monument commemorates
The USS S-26. the third submarine
lost in World War II.

This monument honors the
crew members & passengers
who died when a C-47
crashed into the mountains
on February 6, 1954.

This monument honors the crew of a
TB-29 Superfortress that crashed on
November 15, 1957.

Alaskan Medal of Honor winners are commemorated at the Veteran's Memorial.  

Set in the mountains of Alaska, those who sere and the honored dead
 are recognized for their service.

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