Friday, April 4, 2014

Finishing Up the Repairs at Pacific Power Products in Medford, Oregon

Front end work too?

Freon is being added.

Freon is added from
this free standing cart.

The connections 

Final adjustments to the
fan & hydraulic motor.

Hydraulic fluid was added and I thought we were ready to leave...

Rats!  I spoke too soon.  The high side pressure switch for the air conditioner compressor isn't working.  A bypass jumper was installed because there's no part available today.  Eric got the part number, paid the bill, and NOW we're back on the road.

Eric will by the switch at an upcoming Freightliner and install it himself.

Next stop - Coos Bay.

1 comment:

  1. We have to love being on the road. Repairs are part of the journey to continue our quest of seeing around the corner of the next bend. Enjoy!
