Sunday, April 6, 2014

Driving North to Coos Bay, Oregon

The Air Conditioner condenser repair was a bit complicated.  We were delayed by two hours, leaving Pacific Power Products in Medford at 3 pm.

We drive north on 

It looks like rain
up ahead.

We are alert 
for elk

As we climb into
the mountains...

No elk sightings today.

We picked the right time of
year to travel in this area.

I think this machine
grinds wood for

Eric turns onto

Past grazing cattle.

Felled lumber is
 piled up. 

We arrive at Coos Bay.

We will stay the night
in a gravel lot at

Eric chose this spot from the database.  It is listed as a free overnight spot.  We have to register at the Casino's RV Park.  

The Mill Casino has changed its policy on free overnight parking earlier this year; charging a $15.00 per night fee.  Eric told the woman at the registration desk that we got our information on this overnight spot from a database that lists free parking.  She waived the $15.00 fee for us, we gave her the web address and told her we'd be notifying the database owner of the change in status.  

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