Tuesday, April 29, 2014

All Things Twilight in Port Angeles, Washington

Port Angeles is my last stop on the "All Thing Twilight Tour" on the Olympic Peninsula.
Forks is a small city with just 3,500 people.  It doesn't have a wide variety of shops, no movie theater.

Port Angeles, 57 miles away,  is
the place to go to on the northern
Olympic Peninsula for movies,
serious shopping.

East First Street is in the heart of Port Angeles' downtown shopping area.

Bella & Edward ate
Mushroom Lasagna with
soda on their first date in
 108 East First Street.

Bella went shopping for
prom dresses with friends
at an unnamed shop in
 Port Angeles.

109 East First Street recreated
 Bella's prom dress.

Edward saves Bella from being
attacked by thugs in Twilight at
an unnamed bookstore in
Port Angeles.

Port Book & News is located
at 104 East First Street.

at 132 East First Street with 
friends after her break up
with Edward in New Moon.

It closed in February, 2014.

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