Monday, February 3, 2014

Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Monument
was established in 1936.

It was upgraded to a
National Park
in 1994.

Joshua Tree National Park covers 800,000 acres.  There is an extensive network of hiking trails.  Some trails are challenging. Visitors are encouraged to bring water and food into the park, because there are no food services here.

Joshua Tree National Park
goes back 100 million years.

Millions of years ago this was a
wet region.

Erosion caused the rock
piles visitors see today.

The Joshua Tree is related
to grasses & orchids.

Visiting this National Park is
like finding animals in fluffy
clouds, or a Rorschach test.

Tree to make baskets,
sandals & as a food source.

According to legend, the
Mormons pioneers thought
the tree resembled the out
stretched arms of the of Joshua,
guiding them westward.

This reminds me Fred &

This formation
looks out of place.

Joshua Tree National Park is an amazing national treasure.  It was well worth the price
of admission.

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