Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pancho Villa State Park in Columbus, New Mexico

Pancho Villa State Park is
located at the former
Camp Furlong in
Columbus, New Mexico.

Camp Furlong was the headquarters for the 13th Cavalry.  On March 9, 1916 just after 4:00 am, Pancho Villa and hundreds of Villistas attacked the town of Columbus.  The hotel was burned to the ground.  The invading force attacked homes, looted them and killed civilians.  Soldiers from Camp Furlong were slow to respond to the attack.  After over an hour US troops laid down withering fire, forcing Villa and his men to retreat.

President Woodrow Wilson sent General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing and 10,000 troops to the Columbus area.  After 10 months of pursuing Pancho Villa and the Villistas  in Mexico and clashes with Mexican troops, President Wilson ordered General Pershing and his troops out of Mexico.

Fort Furlong was the first
Army Base to use planes
to resupply troops in
the field.

The Judge Advocate

The area where soldiers
bivouacked in tents.

I find AirStream trailers
wherever we go.

This ramp is an above ground
grease pit for maintaining
Army trucks.

Campground Rest Rooms

Camp Furlong

Camp Furlong
 Recreation Hall

This Mack Truck camper
conversion is beautiful!

We are settled in for
a few days.

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